August 2018
It is that time of year - a time for new beginnings,! Whether a student is entering a new school year or an employee is taking a new career path, this is the time to celebrate the opportunity for new beginnings!
Welcome to my monthly blog - a way to reach out and say, "hello" and encourage you to make a memory!!
Selected Scripture:
Isaiah 64:8
"Yet Lord, You are our Father, we are the clay, and You are our potter; we all are the work of Your hands." (Holman Christian Standard Bible, Isaiah 64:8)
God Knows Our Prayers
I said a prayer for you today! I prayed that you know Jesus as your close and personal friend. I prayed you know to reach out to Him in prayer for all things, big or small. If you do not know Him yet, my prayer is for you to seek this relationship. I believe and I know from my own personal experience that He loves me and that He loves you too! Please know this and always remember that He is there - just waiting to hear from us.
Happy August!!
Thank you for stopping by today! Here is wishing you many blessings for your new adventure. May all your plans succeed. I know you can accomplish even more than you think you can. Please visit again next month!! Love always, Ms. Barnes